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Toddlers Under 3

December 07, 2023
Type: Page

Below are some supporting resources for PLT Canada’s Trees & Me activity guide for exploring nature with infants and toddlers.  To get the guide, purchase Trees & Me at and/or attend a professional development training. For information on teaching and exploring nature with babies and toddlers under three years old:     Early Learning by the organization Zero to Three provides a variety of resources on teaching and learning with babies and toddlers, including early math and science; early literacy, language and communication; play; and social…


Michelle Botham – Anishinaabe, Lac Seul First Nation

June 18, 2020
Type: Other

Michelle works to ensure that forests are fully regenerated after sustainable harvesting. Every day on the job is something different. On a given day, Michelle might be supervising tree planting, overseeing site preparation, collecting field data, or supervising summer students. She also ensures compliance with forestry regulations. Hme Enterprises works in partnership with Ondaadiziwin Forest Management, which sustainably manages local forests for the benefit of seven generations to come. Ondaadiziwin Forest Management is an SFI-certified organization and Hme Enterprises is…


Nature of Fire Activity Collection

April 03, 2023
Type: Other

Nature of Fire: Grades 6-8 Activities Nature of Fire is our second activity collection release featuring three activities for educators of students in grades 6-8. The collection invites learners to investigate wildland fire and ecosystem change. Designed to be flexible, the activities can be used as stand-alone lessons, or all together as a cohesive unit of instruction using a storyline technique.


New PLT Canada website provides better access to information and tools

January 16, 2020
Type: News

PLT Canada has rapidly grown since it launched in 2017. We’ve placed over 2,000 youth into green jobs, supported more than 200 employers, and are currently developing whole new programs, like mentorship, career counseling, and environmental education resources. These services deserve a good home – a place where youth, employers, educators and partners can access the information and tools they need quickly and efficiently. So, we redesigned our website and are thrilled to now introduce you to it! We’ve made…


Dean Assinewe, RPF – Sagamok Anishnawbek

June 19, 2020
Type: Other

Dean works with the forest and wood products industry, as well as Indigenous communities, in pursuing forest management and manufacturing opportunities. He is also a mentor with PLT Canada’s #MyGreenMentor program. FPInnovations is a private not-for-profit R&D organization. It specializes in solutions that help grow the Canadian forest sector and its affiliated industries to enhance their global competitiveness. FPInnovations is a PLT Canada Green Jobs employer. Dean’s story is included in A Guide to Green Jobs in Canada: Voices of…