
Stay informed of our latest news with the following articles. For a monthly rundown of our news delivered straight to your inbox, make sure to subscribe to our #MyGreenJob newsletter!


Win a Canadian Parks Conference Scholarship

August 16, 2019

Even though the summer is quickly coming to an end, we want you to know that your Green Jobs experience doesn’t have to. PLT Canada is committed to supporting you throughout your journey from your green job to your green career.  Project Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada) is offering a full scholarship for four youth from our Green Jobs network to attend the Canadian Parks Conference October 7 to 10 in Quebec City. All expenses, including travel, accommodation, meals, and…


Celebrating International Youth Day as the Green Ride for Green Jobs Reaches Ottawa

August 14, 2019

“This is a dream job. I get to play with kids outdoors all day long and I get to teach them how important it is to care for the world we share,” says Gulled Abdo Saleban, a 23-year-old youth leader whose Green Job has him working with Ottawa kids living in community housing who drop by local parks to learn about themselves and the world around them. The program is part of the Ottawa Forest & Nature School, which was…


My Green Job in Their Own Words: 10 Videos to Inspire Youth to Work Outdoors

August 12, 2019

Check out these inspiring Green Jobs videos to see how youth across Canada are choosing green career paths that keep them working outside while having fun. Adam Danish is a Field Assistant who says studying grizzly bears for fRI Research in Hinton, Alberta is putting him on a “good career path.” “Imagine saving a whole forest,” is how Aiden Fortier, a Silviculture Intern at Ne-daa-kii-me-naan Inc. in Longlac, Ontario, describes silviculture. Breland Howard, is a summer student at Resolute Forest…


10 Tips to Finish Your Green Job and Get Set Up for Your Next One

August 10, 2019

As your summer starts to wind down, take a minute and think about how to maximize the benefits of your current Green Job with a plan to say goodbye and stay in touch. Green Jobs youth across Canada are looking to the fall and the next step in their careers. For many of you, September signals a return to school, the start of a new job or maybe some time to travel to see the rest of Canada and the…


The Green Ride Celebrates Youth Empowerment with Minister Monsef in Peterborough

August 05, 2019

Green jobs are all about sustainability. But what about the long-term sustainability of green jobs themselves? Project Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada) is working with employers, the federal government and other groups in an all-out effort to create job opportunities for youth and provide incentives to grow the next generation of leaders in forestry and conservation. Encouraging Canada’s youth to see a path to working in a sustainable green job was at the heart of a serious coffee-fuelled collaboration between…