Supporting Newcomer Youth in the Green Jobs Sector

Green Jobs are for everyone logo. March 2021 Workshop Series. March 9, 2021: Supporting Newcomer Youth in the Green Jobs Sector

March 09, 2021, 1:00 pm — 3:30 pm EST

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About 12% of the forest sector workforce are newcomers to Canada, according to The State of Canada’s Forests 2020 report.

It can be difficult to land a position in your field in a new country, and you may not know where to start. But we know that diverse perspectives make workplaces stronger. 

This workshop will focus on the challenges newcomers face on the job hunt.

Content and Virtual Experience


Learn how to transfer your credentials and skills, network, and upgrade your current skillset to stand out to Canadian employers. We’ll also cover how to find support services and what to expect in rural settings.


Learn how to use Settlement Agencies to hire talented newcomers and recognize non-Canadian experiences. This workshop will give you some tools to better support your new employees. 

Virtual Experience

The PLT Canada Green Jobs are for Everyone Workshop Series will be held over four half-days via Zoom Meetings. Registrants will receive their Zoom log-in credentials in advance of the workshop, so be on the lookout for an email from In the meantime, check out our Zoom 101 to get acquainted with the Zoom Meetings platform a bit more. 

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Youth topic: Networking tools, honing in on how create a standout Green Jobs elevator pitch leveraging transferrable skills.

Headshot of Sam NsiahSam Nsiah, Regional Resource Analyst, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Sam earned a B.Sc. Forestry degree from Ghana and a M.Sc. Forestry degree from Lakehead university. He is working for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry as a Regional Resource Analyst at the Regional Operations Division in South Porcupine.


Employer topic: Connect with and utilize Settlement Agencies to hire talented newcomer youth in the Green Sector.

Headshot of Sienna TaylorSienna Jae Taylor, Project Manager, Immploy

Immploy’s mandate is to connect employers with newcomer talent. As Project Manager, Sienna works with an incredible team of people to provide programs and services that connect immigrants and refugees with mentorship and employment in Southwestern Ontario. Sienna is also leading the launch of a new employer engagement initiative that focuses on supporting employers in the recruitment and retention of newcomers, including education and training based on equity and inclusion.

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