Resources for Trees & Me: Activity 9 – Parts to Play

In this activity, children make a tree costume and explore the parts of a tree.

This is one of 12 activities that can be found in PLT’s Trees & Me activity guide for exploring nature with young children. For the complete activity and more like it, purchase Trees & Me at and/or attend a professional development training.

Below are some supporting resources for this activity.


Download the copyright-free student pages that are included with this activity:

Family & Friends (PDF)




Expand your students’ learning and imaginations. Help students meet their reading goals, while building upon concepts learned in this activity, with the following children’s book recommendations:


Try a simple variation of this activity to engage children in the outdoors at home. Download this fun and easy-to-do family activity.




The following tools and resources may be used to enhance the activity.

  • Tree Product Images – Print out pages containing many examples of everyday products from trees
  • Tree ArtInspire children to express their appreciation of trees through PLT’s collection of 21 Tree Art Projects for Young Learners.
  • Find Nearby Trails and ParksAllTrails is a free app that helps users discover the outdoors. Use it to find a hiking path suitable for children, to search for local places to bike or fish, or to plan a national park visit. 
  • Early Childhood EducationAre you looking for information on the field of childhood education? All Education Schools offers a clearinghouse of resources to explore professional organizations, licensing and credentials, teaching strategies, research, and more – all related to early childhood.