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Kamille Monosiet Wins a HydraPak, Talks Green Jobs and Careers

October 18, 2019

“I like talking about green jobs because a lot of people my age around here think working in Tim Horton’s or McDonald’s are the only main options for a summer job. I hope filling out the survey describing my summer helps spread the word about green jobs,” Kamille says. “Winning a HydraPak was a really nice extra.” Kamille is looking forward to using her new HydraPak to avoid lugging water bottles around on her next hike in the woods. The…


PLT Canada’s Zac Wagman Named to Canadian Forest Industries Top 10 Under 40

October 17, 2019

Riding a wooden bike across Canada to inspire Canadian youth to work in sustainable outdoor jobs has earned Zac Wagman, Green Jobs Manager for Project Learning Tree Canada, Top 10 Under 40 honours from Canadian Forest Industries magazine. The award prioritizes a strong work ethic, leadership by example, and efforts to grow the quality of Canada’s forest sector. Zac delivered on all fronts. Zac recently accomplished the amazing feat of biking over 9,215 km across Canada to celebrate youth working…


9,000 km Cross-Country Green Ride for Green Jobs Bike Tour Crosses the Finish Line in St. John’s

September 23, 2019

After biking over 9,000 kms across Canada, Zac Wagman, Green Jobs Manager for Project Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada) – an initiative of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) – completed the Green Ride for Green Jobs today at the Terry Fox Mile 0 Monument in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Wagman’s journey began in Victoria, B.C., on May 13, and took him through over 100 communities across nine provinces where he met with over 230 Green Jobs youth and over 50 employers.…


The Green Ride for Green Jobs is Heading for the Finish Line in St. John’s on Sept. 23

September 20, 2019

The grand finale of the Green Ride for Green Jobs will take place in St. John’s, Newfoundland on September 23 at the Terry Fox Mile 0 Site from 10:00 to 12:00 (Newfoundland Time). If you’re in St. John’s, come out and celebrate with us—RSVP: You can also RSVP to the event on Facebook. Zac Wagman, our “green rider,” is finally crossing the finish line on his wooden bike after his epic cross?Canada journey from Victoria that began in May.…


The Green Ride Brings the Green Jobs Message to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland

September 20, 2019

As the Green Ride for Green Jobs cycles hard toward the finish line in St. John’s, N.L., on September 23, Zac Wagman, our “green rider,” has been spreading his message of sustainability and youth employment across Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. The wind and rain from Hurricane Dorian didn’t stop Zac and his brother Nick from staying on schedule. One of their first stops was a meet and greet with students at Dalhousie University in Halifax who turned out to support…