
Stay informed of our latest news with the following articles. For a monthly rundown of our news delivered straight to your inbox, make sure to subscribe to our #MyGreenJob newsletter!


PLT Canada highlights Indigenous voices in green careers in our forests and parks

June 19, 2020

In celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day on Sunday, June 21, PLT Canada has launched A Guide to Green Jobs in Canada: Voices of Indigenous Professionals, which features the stories of 12 Indigenous professionals across the country. PLT Canada’s guide highlights Indigenous professionals from across Canada – role models who have found success in green careers in forests and parks that align with their traditional values and love for the environment. “Indigenous Peoples are Canada’s original forest and conservation professionals.…


5 Tips to Get Past Resume-Reading Robots

June 17, 2020

It is a startling statistic: 75% of job applications don’t even make it to a human reviewer. Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) is used by many companies to screen resumes. This software decides if your resume meets pre-defined criteria. If it does, then the software will pass it along to an HR rep. If not, well, better luck next time. If you want your resume to get to an actual human, you must get past these resume-reading robots first! Give yourself…


How Are You Preparing For A Career In the 21st Century?

June 17, 2020

A recent report by the Brookfield Institute announced that 42% of jobs are at a high risk of being impacted by automation. The forest and conservation sector will be no exception; think tree-planting drones as an example. Young people between the ages of 15-24 will bear the brunt as they tend to work in entry-level positions that are more likely to be automated. And while automation will bring about new technological opportunities and efficiency in our daily lives, youth will…


10 Tips to Connect Children to the Outdoors

May 21, 2020

Springtime brings about longer days, new bursts of life, and the feeling of a fresh new start. Here are 10 tips to help educators and parents connect children to the outdoors.


Reaching out to Employers During Covid-19

May 12, 2020

With the beginning of the outdoor work season upon us, many of you might be wondering how the Covid-19 pandemic will affect your job search. Thankfully, the Government of Canada has declared the forest products sector an essential service, so there will still be many opportunities for youth to find meaningful work. Initiating contact with potential employers is key. Here are some tips to keep in mind when reaching out: