Funding for Indigenous Employers

PLT Canada’s office and much of our team live and work in the traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin nation. We recognize the Algonquin’s time-honoured relationships with and stewardship of its lands and waters. PLT Canada and our partners also work on the traditional lands of other First Nation and Métis communities, and we are committed to upholding our shared responsibilities to continue that stewardship for present and future generations.

Do you work for an Indigenous community, business, or non-profit? You may be eligible for funding from Project Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada)!

Jump to each section to learn more:


PLT Canada offers a Green Jobs wage match for organizations hiring youth (ages 15–30) into jobs that contribute to a more sustainable planet. Green Jobs are typically involved in, but not limited to, jobs in the forest sector, conservation, parks, natural resource management, environmental education, sustainable food systems, climate change, carbon sequestration, species maintenance and recovery, and water quality and quantity.

PLT Canada also offers a Green Skills Training Fund to deliver community-based, forestry-focused skills training for Indigenous youth. We can provide up to $5,000 for training that increases young people’s employability. The definition of training is flexible and can range from sector-specific training like First Aid, to land-based knowledge exchanges between youth and Elders, to workforce preparedness and life skills training/coaching.

1 – Register now to apply for funding


2 – Green Jobs wage match


3 – Green Skills Training Fund


  • “PLT funding has been beneficial in supporting two Cree young land users to learn science and technology and get employed in research in the community through our organization, the Chisasibi Eeyou Resource and Research Institute (CERRI). One of the young land users learned remote sensing and satellite image analysis, while the other learned laboratory skills in processing water samples to test for the presence of COVID-19 genetic material. In addition, both land users learned essential skills in fishery science such as fish otolith extraction and interpretation. ”

    Dante Torio
    Marine Biologist / Spatial Ecologist
    Chisasibi Eeyou Resource and Research Institute

    “PLT funding has been beneficial in supporting two Cree young land users to learn science and technology and get employed in research in the community through our organization, the Chisasibi Eeyou Resource and Research Institute (CERRI). One of the young land users learned remote sensing and satellite image analysis, while the other learned laboratory skills in processing water samples to test for the presence of COVID-19 genetic material. In addition, both land users learned essential skills in fishery science such as fish otolith extraction and interpretation. ”

    Dante Torio
    Marine Biologist / Spatial Ecologist
    Chisasibi Eeyou Resource and Research Institute
  • “PLT Canada has enabled us to hire these students and it helps us greatly, to get the manpower out there to do the jobs that we need to get done, and it also benefits the students and it exposes them to the work we do and gets them interested. I believe it’s a win-win situation for all of us.”

    Shawn Lawson
    Silvicultural Technician
    Ne-daa-kii-me-naan First Nation

    “PLT Canada has enabled us to hire these students and it helps us greatly, to get the manpower out there to do the jobs that we need to get done, and it also benefits the students and it exposes them to the work we do and gets them interested. I believe it’s a win-win situation for all of us.”

    Shawn Lawson
    Silvicultural Technician
    Ne-daa-kii-me-naan First Nation
  • “PLT Canada has enabled us to hire students and it helps us greatly, to get the manpower out there to do the jobs that we need to get done, and it also benefits the students and it exposes them to the work we do and gets them interested. I believe it’s a win-win situation for all of us.”

    River Johnson
    Resource Protection Coordinator

    “PLT Canada has enabled us to hire students and it helps us greatly, to get the manpower out there to do the jobs that we need to get done, and it also benefits the students and it exposes them to the work we do and gets them interested. I believe it’s a win-win situation for all of us.”

    River Johnson
    Resource Protection Coordinator
  • “PLT Canada has been such a huge supporter of OYEP and getting Indigenous youth jobs in the industry. The opportunities that these youth are receiving through PLT Canada are exceptional and I can’t wait to continue working with Green Jobs!”


    “PLT Canada has been such a huge supporter of OYEP and getting Indigenous youth jobs in the industry. The opportunities that these youth are receiving through PLT Canada are exceptional and I can’t wait to continue working with Green Jobs!”

  • “I really appreciate the opportunity PLT Canada gave me. It really opened up a new path in life I would never have thought of for myself!”


    “I really appreciate the opportunity PLT Canada gave me. It really opened up a new path in life I would never have thought of for myself!”


4 – Access more of our resources for Indigenous employers and youth

Project Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada) is committed to advancing environmental literacy, stewardship, and green career pathways, using trees and forests as windows on the world. Our award-winning environmental education, forest literacy, and career pathway resources offer a lifetime of learning from early childhood through adulthood. Our wide and diverse network provides professional development for educators and opportunities for young people to explore nature and the diversity of green careers in the forest and conservation sector. Together, we are growing future forest and conservation leaders.

PLT Canada is an initiative of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative®, a non-profit charitable organization with the mission of advancing sustainability through forest-focused collaboration.