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From Sawmills to the Healthcare Frontline: Using Transferrable Skills for Nursing

September 24, 2020
Type: Green Job spotlight

By Mackenzie Kronemeyer Working weekend nights in a Canfor sawmill and wood pellet plant for the first time while I was in high school gave me confidence that I was cut out for a career in nursing. The night shifts, the teamwork, and the focus on safety at Canfor were challenging but gave me important skills that I knew I would be able to apply once I became a nurse. In the fall, I’ll be back studying nursing for a…


Quacking Up

November 09, 2018
Type: News

Location: Renous, NB Employer: University of New Brunswick Featured: Amber Frak and Rachel Moran Amber and Rachel’s positions were supported in part by PLT Canada’s Green Jobs in Green Spaces program, funded by the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy. University of New Brunswick Master of Science in Forestry candidate Kelly McLean hired two PLT Canada wildlife technicians, Amber Frak and Rachel Moran. McLean is trying to determine the forest harvest operations effects on New Brunswick forests’ distribution of American black…


Environmental Educator

June 18, 2020
Type: Other

Environmental educators love helping people understand nature and their relationship to it. They speak and write well and are good at getting their messages across. They provide facts, answer questions, and lead interactive activities, like games, field trips, hikes, and workshops. Environmental educators often make presentations outdoors. Forests and camps are their classrooms. They also spend time doing research to make sure their content is factual and relevant.


Green Job spotlight: Syd Welsh, Environmental Educator, Galiano Conservancy Association

September 20, 2019
Type: Green Job spotlight

“After spending a whole day in the forest, these kids leave with a real idea of what forest restoration looks like,” says Syd Welsh. “Giving them a positive experience helps counter a lot of the negativity about the environment. It’s easy to think that our problems are too big to fix.” Syd spent the summer working outdoors as an Environmental Educator for the Galiano Conservancy Association. Its mission is to preserve, protect, and enhance the quality of the human and…


Resources for Trees & Me: Activity 4 – Follow Your Nose

December 07, 2023
Type: Page

In this activity, children explore trees and tree parts using their senses of smell and taste. This is one of 12 activities that can be found in PLT’s Trees & Me activity guide for exploring nature with young children. For the complete activity and more like it, purchase Trees & Me at and/or attend a professional development training. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. STUDENT PAGES Download the copyright-free student pages that are included with this activity: Family & Friends (PDF)   RECOMMENDED READING Expand…