
Stay informed of our latest news with the following articles. For a monthly rundown of our news delivered straight to your inbox, make sure to subscribe to our #MyGreenJob newsletter!


PLT Canada launches new video series to introduce young Canadians to forest careers

September 23, 2021

Young Canadians can now discover careers in the forest and conservation sector thanks to Project Learning Tree Canada’s (PLT Canada) new Green Jobs video series. The first video in the seven-part series is being released today to celebrate National Forest Week. The episode, hosted by Registered Professional Forester Lacey Rose, features Jennifer Tallman, Chief Forester for EACOM timber (an SFI-certified organization) and the first female chief forester in Ontario. Rose tags along as Tallman performs different parts of her job…


Check out these scholarship and bursaries for students in the forest and conservation field!

September 08, 2021

We’ve compiled a list of some Canadian scholarships, bursaries, and awards with upcoming deadlines for students studying in the forest and conservation field.


Learning that the best mentorships are a two-way street

August 11, 2021

Terron James (left), Silviculture Technician, Greenmantle Forest Inc. and Pascale Ouellette (right), Outreach Coordinator, New Brunswick Invasive Species Council on one of their regular Zoom calls. A Q&A with PLT Canada Green Jobs Mentee Terron James and Mentor Pascale Ouellette PLT Canada’s Green Mentor Program connects youth (ages 18‑30) directly to forest and conservation sector professionals. The program uses an industry-leading platform with an algorithm that matches people based on personalities, learning styles, goals, locations, interests, and existing skills. Together, our…


Struggles & Successes: Landing a Green Job as a newcomer to Canada

July 22, 2021

By Shuya Huang Canada plans to welcome over 300,000 new immigrants every year. But in 2020, about 13.5% of Canadian newcomers (people who have been in Canada for less than five years) were unemployed. And this number doesn’t capture the many newcomers who are underemployed (not working enough hours or doing work that maximizes their skills). Moving to Canada comes with many potential challenges: credentials not being recognized, lack of Canadian work experience, lack of a network and support system,…


PLT Canada’s Green Mentor program celebrates end of January 2021 national cohort

July 16, 2021

PLT Canada wrapped up its second national mentorship cohort on June 24, 2021, with an online event that brought together almost 50 mentors and mentees from across the country. The six-month mentorship program supported 130 participants, including mentors from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative’s (SFI) network and young people interested in joining the forest and conservation sector. PLT Canada’s Green Mentor program connects youth (ages 18–30) directly to forest and conservation sector professionals. The program uses an industry-leading algorithm that matches…


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