
Stay informed of our latest news with the following articles. For a monthly rundown of our news delivered straight to your inbox, make sure to subscribe to our #MyGreenJob newsletter!


Healthy by Nature

October 24, 2018

By: Mira Williamson, Project Learning Tree Canada Location: BC Parks Featured: Gillian Spencer, Community Engagement Specialist, BC Parks Foundation Gillian’s position was supported in part by PLT Canada’s Green Jobs in Green Spaces program, funded by the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy. This summer, the BC Parks Foundation launched their Healthy by Nature initiative with a physicians’ walk in British Columbia parks. Looking for a student to support in research, program planning, social media, and writing among other things, the…


Ticked off

September 18, 2018

Mira Williamson Location: New Brunswick (various) Protective painter suits on, University of New Brunswick master’s student Douglas Munn and his wildlife technician Corey Robar scour the forest floors of New Brunswick for blacklegged ticks. Robar is finishing up his advanced diploma in fish and wildlife technology and diploma in forest technology at the Maritime College of Forest Technology. The Geary, NB native is assisting Munn collect data for his master’s project funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).…


TLC for LTC’s Watershed

August 15, 2018

Mira Williamson Location: Trenton, ON Nestled near Prince Edward County, Trenton, ON is home to over 1,500 hectares of natural open space and 2,070 square kilometres of watershed regions managed by Lower Trent Conservation (LTC). One of 36 of Ontario’s Conservation Authorities, LTC is a community-based non-profit working to preserve the beautiful lands in the Trent River valley. Their goal is to ensure a healthy and environmentally diverse watershed; one that can be enjoyed by residents and visitors. The public…


Summer students dive into Forest Management

August 13, 2018

TimberWest This article was originally posted on TimberWest’s website. Forestry students share their diverse learning hands-on experience working for the forest industry. Vancouver, BC – TimberWest is once again a classroom to a group of excited summer students, eager to further their knowledge of the forest industry. A select group of students are receiving a hands-on experience in silviculture, forest engineering, and forest biology while assisting the company’s operations in Nanaimo and Campbell River locations. Benefitting from an exchange of knowledge…


Fall funding available for employers placing students in Green Jobs

July 31, 2018

Project Learning Tree Canada is thrilled to announce that additional funding is available for employers for fall 2018. The Green Jobs 50% wage-matching program has been extended to provide opportunities for students up until December 31, 2018. Green Jobs will inspire leadership in forest management stewardship, build diversity in partnerships with Indigenous and conservation groups, and foster a passion for science-based research and education. Job eligibility: The job must be a Green Job (Approved Jobs List ) The duration of…


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