
Stay informed of our latest news with the following articles. For a monthly rundown of our news delivered straight to your inbox, make sure to subscribe to our #MyGreenJob newsletter!


Register now for PLT Canada’s first-ever Green Jobs E-Summit!

March 18, 2020

Today’s forest and conservation sector is an exciting field that involves science, community engagement, international and local commerce, Indigenous relations, solutions to climate change, and so much more. It is also a growing field and full of career opportunities for interested youth. The International Labour Organization even estimates that 60 million jobs could be created in this sector by 2030. Join us on Monday, March 23 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET for PLT Canada’s first-ever Green Jobs E-Summit…


Check out these Scholarships and Cash Awards

March 17, 2020

College and university can be expensive. Not only is the schoolwork challenging, but you also have to pay for it. In celebration of International Day of Forests (March 21), and in support of our hardworking future forest and conservation leaders, PLT Canada has compiled some great Canadian scholarships, bursaries, and awards. If you’re an Indigenous student or a student in the forest and conservation sector, you might be interested in one of these opportunities!


My experience as a PLT Canada representative at the 2020 Forests Ontario Conference

March 17, 2020

By Amy Hall, PLT Canada Green Jobs Youth, Grand Bend, ON Being a youth at the starting line of your career can be daunting at times. Even if you know the direction you are headed in, trying to figure out the correct sequence of steps can be confusing. As a young person, I’m often told that everything will work out, that all my collective experiences and everyone I meet along the way will be pieces of my career puzzle. I…


Bright futures at Indspire’s 2020 Soaring event

March 16, 2020

By Maria Chiarella, PLT Canada Youth Network Coordinator As PLT Canada’s Youth Network Coordinator, I get to attend events where I engage with youth and help them learn about opportunities in the forest and conservation sector and what it takes to get into those fields. I love talking to them, listening to their stories, and offering useful information. I like sparking their interest in the field and helping to guide them towards a career in the green sector. This was…


Project Learning Tree Canada supports federal government plans to invest in youth employment – urges action to further address barriers as well as career pathway needs of youth

March 03, 2020

Kathy Abusow, President and CEO of Project Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada), released the following statement in response to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s announcement this morning of funding through the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy: “Project Learning Tree Canada applauds the federal government for investing $492 million in addressing barriers to youth employment through Employment and Social Development Canada’s (ESDC) Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS) program. This important investment will help partners like PLT Canada better meet the needs…