
Mental Health During Mentorship

April 27, 2020

Yosemite National Park, California

During mentorship, you will have to reflect on various aspects of your life. You may have to work on certain traits or tasks that make you think of your future, re-think your life choices, and ask yourself some big questions.

These tips will help you take care of your mental health first so you can stay focused and fully engaged in your mentorship experience.

1. Set boundaries

Tell the other person how much personal detail you are comfortable sharing, and what you feel is not appropriate or expected out of the other person. Mentorship is not therapy!

2. Establish positive habits

Always be on time, be prepared for meetings, and have one to two questions ready for your mentor or mentee. Positive habits like these will take much of the stress out of meetings. In your personal life, unplugging, spending time outdoors, and eating healthy will also help you stay well

3. Be honest

Many people feel inadequate or lack confidence, especially at the start of their careers. Open up to your mentor or mentee. You might be surprised to hear you’re not alone!

4. Accept Feedback

Constructive criticism helps you to grow, learn new skills, and avoid making the same errors. Accept the feedback you receive and reflect on it positively. When giving feedback, make sure it’s motivational and specific.

5. Practice gratitude

Everyone experiences setbacks from time to time. But those who practice gratitude are more resilient and bounce back more quickly. Note the things throughout the day that make you smile and take time to actually thank people and give thoughtful compliments.

6. Seek help

It’s normal to want others to see us as smart and strong. But needing help from time to time isn’t a sign of weakness. Don’t worry about asking questions or seeking personal or professional advice. The sooner you get the answers you need, the faster you’ll reduce your worry, and the stronger and smarter you will be!

7. Celebrate success

If you worked hard and reached a goal, be proud! Use your success as motivation to help you tackle the next challenge. Don’t forget to let us know how you did. We would love to celebrate your success with you!

Please note that this guide is not a substitute for professional help. If you are experiencing severe anxiety or depression, please speak with a trained mental health professional. Visit for more info.