Career Fact Sheets

There are many paths and amazing destinations to discover in the forest and conservation sector. Which one of these careers will inspire you?

Remote Sensing Technician

Remote sensing technicians gather information about a place without needing to be there physically. To do this, they use aerial photos, satellite imagery, and geographic information systems (GIS). They usually collect, process, and interpret images to map and monitor the environment. But they are able to do a lot more. For example, they can develop software, map natural disasters, track landscape changes, detect ships, and model forest structures. Similar positions to a remote sensing technician GIS Technician Cartographer Geographer Environmental…


Silviculture Technician

Silviculture technicians work with foresters to manage forests sustainably. Before harvesting, they conduct site assessments and plan seeding requirements. They might also flag trees and boundaries, establish new logging roads, and calculate the yield of trees in a block. After harvesting, they begin the process of regenerating forests, such as supervising planting. As the forest matures, they help to decide how much space to give each young tree, how much to prune them, and how much to fertilize them. Silviculture…


Wildlife Biologist

Wildlife biologists love critters and creatures of all kinds. They play a crucial role in Canada’s conservation efforts. Their research often leads them into the wilderness where they conduct wildlife surveys and habitat assessments, take notes, and run controlled tests. They analyze their findings and prepare reports. In the forestry sector, these reports help guide sustainable forest management decisions. Similar positions to a wildlife biologist Ecologist Conservation Biologist Fisheries Technician Zoologist Is it right for me? If you love animals,…


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