Growing a resilient and diverse workforce: PLT Canada’s 2023 Annual Report
December 20, 2023

We are thrilled to release our 2023 Annual Report—it was another busy year for Project Learning Tree Canada! We continued our work to provide a lifetime of learning through environmental education, forest literacy, and career pathways.
“It’s so important that Canadians learn and value the benefits that sustainably managed forests bring for the environment, our communities, and the economy. Educators, parents, and professionals can use PLT Canada resources to build forest literacy while engaging students and growing the next generation of environmental stewards. More than ever, we hope that youth are inspired to pursue green careers. Through PLT Canada’s career pathways programming, young adults can build their skills by getting trained with PLT Canada’s resources, grow their confidence and network through mentorship, and potentially land their first work experience through our Green Jobs program.”
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“It’s so important that Canadians learn and value the benefits that sustainably managed forests bring for the environment, our communities, and the economy. Educators, parents, and professionals can use PLT Canada resources to build forest literacy while engaging students and growing the next generation of environmental stewards. More than ever, we hope that youth are inspired to pursue green careers. Through PLT Canada’s career pathways programming, young adults can build their skills by getting trained with PLT Canada’s resources, grow their confidence and network through mentorship, and potentially land their first work experience through our Green Jobs program.”
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Since 2018, PLT Canada has supported over 7,600 Green Jobs, providing 50% of placements to women and 15% of our placements to Indigenous youth. We have also placed 1,900 young adults facing one or more barriers to employment, such as youth self-identifying as involuntary NEET (not in employment, education, or training), youth living with a disability, and members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, into Green Jobs. This work would not be possible without our network of over 420 dedicated employers from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and Canadian Parks Council networks who have supported young adults in rewarding green jobs, helping grow a resilient and diverse workforce.
Thanks to the Government of Canada’s support, we have been able to grow our suite of services and programs that meaningfully impact young Canadians and young adults facing barriers to employment. And we can’t wait to continue building on this work with ongoing Green Jobs programs thanks to Youth Employment and Skills Strategy funding from Parks Canada and Natural Resources Canada’s Science and Technology Internship Program.
| “In the fight against climate change, Canada has an ally in its sustainably managed vast forests. That is why we have continued to partner with Project Learning Tree Canada. PLT Canada has provided the skills, training and experiences for young leaders to help to ensure that Canada remains competitive when it comes to talent and labour in the global economy, while reducing emissions and ensuring best practices.”
| “In the fight against climate change, Canada has an ally in its sustainably managed vast forests. That is why we have continued to partner with Project Learning Tree Canada. PLT Canada has provided the skills, training and experiences for young leaders to help to ensure that Canada remains competitive when it comes to talent and labour in the global economy, while reducing emissions and ensuring best practices.”
“This year’s record wildfires brought home to Canadians just how critically important sustainable forest management is to deal with the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. Canada’s forests are carbon sinks, nature preserves, economic drivers and refuges for the soul. Organizations such as Project Learning Tree Canada are leading the drive to a green economy through its one-of-a-kind programs and experiences for young Canadians and Indigenous Peoples. Thank you to Project Learning Tree Canada for your work to ensure that the next generation has the passion and skills to help our country grow sustainably.”
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“This year’s record wildfires brought home to Canadians just how critically important sustainable forest management is to deal with the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. Canada’s forests are carbon sinks, nature preserves, economic drivers and refuges for the soul. Organizations such as Project Learning Tree Canada are leading the drive to a green economy through its one-of-a-kind programs and experiences for young Canadians and Indigenous Peoples. Thank you to Project Learning Tree Canada for your work to ensure that the next generation has the passion and skills to help our country grow sustainably.”
In 2023, we also supported 60 mentors and mentees, increasing our reach to over 600 mentors and mentees in 11 PLT Canada Green Mentor cohorts since 2020. Further, PLT Canada and SFI sponsored 40+ youth delegates to attend the 2023 SFI Annual Conference in Vancouver, BC, where they went through a career readiness bootcamp and advanced their career pathways with networking opportunities.
Finally, we launched many educational resources to connect children and young people to the outdoors, grow forest literacy, and share diverse and exciting career opportunities in Canada’s green sector. Our 2023 environmental education products include the Explore Your Environment: K-8 Activity Guide, Forest Quest, Nature of Fire, and Climate Change & Forests: From Seed to Carbon Sink.
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