Self-guided mentorship for young professionals

Cover of the self-guided mentorship for young professionals guideProject Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada) and the World Forestry Congress (WFC) created this guide to finding a green mentor. Whether it’s your first time being a mentee, or you have mentorship experience, this resource will help you get started and be successful in your mentorship journey.

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What is mentorship?

Mentorship is a relationship between a mentor and a mentee. A mentor’s role is to listen, offer support, and share relevant knowledge and experiences. They challenge their mentee and model soft skills. Mentees takes responsibility for the direction and preparation of meetings, and develops objectives for their mentorship journey. A mentee challenges themselves to think about who they are and where they are going, and ask and implement feedback.

In a mentorship relationship, you are guided by someone with more professional experience in a specific sector. Mentors and mentees work together to advance the mentee’s professional goals, and discuss topics like career advancement, networking, professional development, communication, and more.

Over time, both mentors and mentees grow. Mentees gain insights into the sector and plan their career pathway as they enter the workforce or a new field. Mentors learn new perspectives, improve their leadership skills, and grow their networks.