Career Fact Sheets

Park Ranger

A young man (park ranger) building a walkway in the forest, and two young women (park rangers) taking notes while standing in a stream

Photos: BC Parks, a PLT Canada Green Jobs employer.

Park rangers are passionate about protecting the environment, wildlife, and park visitors. They patrol and enforce rules and regulations. Most park rangers work for federal, provincial, or territorial agencies.

Similar positions to a park ranger

  • Conservation/Fisheries Officer
  • Conservation Biologist
  • Ecotourism Operator

Did you know?

PLT Canada has supported over 700 park positions across Canada since 2018.

Is it right for me?

Park rangers love the outdoors. They also work indoors when preparing reports or doing other administrative tasks. They need good interpersonal and communication skills to keep park visitors safe. Park rangers are leaders who can take charge in emergencies.

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Park ranger salary

Salaries vary by province and territory as well as by years of experience. The average is $40,000 to $55,000.

Related work experience

  • Park Operator
  • Student Ranger
  • Jr. Forest Ranger

Park ranger education*

While some positions require only a high school diploma, most park ranger positions require an undergraduate degree or technical diploma in a field like conservation enforcement, natural resource management, outdoor education, or forestry.




Volunteering is a great way to gain experience.

Other training

To become a park ranger, you may also need to take special training, like first aid or public safety training. You may also need a driver’s licence and be physically fit.

  • Red Cross: First aid and CPR
  • Class 5 Driver’s Licence (or equivalent)
  • Wilderness First Aid
  • Chain Saw Certification
  • ATV Certification
  • Pleasure Craft Operator Certificate
  • Other Marine Certifications (SVOP, MED A3, and ROCM)
  • BCIT 1010-BC Parks Law and its Administration (BC ONLY)
  • Wildlife and Danger Tree Assessor Certification

*Not a complete list of resources.

More resources


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Environmental Educator

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man and woman in high visibility vests in the forest


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