Happy International Day of Forests!
March 21, 2019
Post-secondary education can be prohibitively expensive for many students. In celebration of International Day of Forests, we have compiled a list of Canadian scholarships, bursaries, and awards for students who care about forests and the environment. If we want to continue celebrating our natural spaces, we need to encourage the development of future forest and conservation leaders!
 Forest Junior intern Carleen carries a high precision GPS unit for a research project at the Aleza Lake Research Forest.

FPAC – Skills Award for Aboriginal Youth
Amount: $2500
Deadline: March 30, 2019
Number Available: 2
Eligibility: Qualities of strong academic standing, commitment to the forest products industry, and a demonstrated commitment to their Indigenous community.
Apply at: http://www.fpac.ca/indigenous/skills-award/

Nature Canada – Charles Labatiuk Scholarship Award
Amount: $2000
Deadline: May 1, 2019
Number Available: 1
Eligibility: Any student entering or continuing at an accredited college or university in Canada in the interdisciplinary study of natural environmental systems (ecosystems), how they operate, how they interact with people, and how people interact with them.
Apply at: https://naturecanada.ca/about/our-people/awards-scholarships/charles-labatiuk-scholarship/

Brower Youth Awards
Amount: Each recipient will receive a cash prize of $3000, a professional short film about their work, and flight and lodging accommodations to a trip to the San Francisco Bay Area.
Deadline: May 1, 2019
Number Available: 6
Eligibility: Young environmental change leaders from the ages of 13-22 (As of May 1, 2019). Must live in North America, (including Mexico, Canada, and some Caribbean Islands), and US “Territories”.
Apply at: http://www.broweryouthawards.org/apply/

Paddle Canada – Bill Mason Scholarship Fund
Amount: $1000
Deadline: September 30, 2019
Number Available: 6
Eligibility: A Canadian Citizen, enrolled full-time at a Canadian University or College with a second year or higher standing. The program should be in Outdoor Recreation, Environmental studies or related program, with an academic standing of B+ (75%) or higher.
Apply at: https://www.paddlecanada.com/bill-mason-scholarship-fund/

Hydro One – Mandamin Scholarship (Ontario)
Amount: $5000
Deadline: October 1, 2019
Number Available: 15
Eligibility: First Nations, Métis and Inuit students who are interested in pursuing careers within the electricity sector. Must be studying in the energy industry related disciplines at a recognized University or Community College.
Apply at: https://www.hydroone.com/about/corporate-information/our-stories/mandamin-scholarship

BC Council of Forest Industries- Forestry Scholarship
Amount: $1500
Deadline: May 31, 2019
Number Available: 10
Eligibility: Students planning to attend an accredited post-secondary institution in programs related to Forestry, Science, Trades, and Business.
Apply at: https://www.cofi.org/wp-content/uploads/2019-Scholarship-document-Oct-31-2018.pdf?platform=hootsuite

Mattagami Region Conservation Authority- Wintergreen Fund for Conservation Environmental Bursary
Amount: $1500
Deadline: May 8, 2019
Number Available: 1
Eligibility: A student graduating from a local high school in the City of Timmins and will be entering their first year of full-time undergraduate studies. Demonstrated record of participation, leadership or volunteerism in the promotion of conservation awareness and the environment of the local watershed.
Apply at: http://mrca.timmins.ca/wintergreen-fund-2/student-bursary-environmental-conservation