Nisokapawino Forestry Management Corporation

The Pas, Canada – Manitoba  |  (204) 623-8510

NFMC is a forest management company in northern Manitoba. Primarily providing services for Canadian Kraft Paper Industries Limited in the operation of Forest Management Licence 2, NFMC is 50% owned by Nekote LP (which represents 7 First Nations whose ancestral territory the FML is located in), and 50% by Canadian Kraft Paper. FML2 is the largest licence area in North America.

Company History

The concept of Nisokapawino Forestry Management Corporation (NFMC) was created in November of 2016 with the sale of the paper mill in The Pas to Canadian Kraft Paper Industries Ltd (CKP). Seven First Nations (Nekote LP) partnered with CKP and after some months of work, NFMC was officially recognized in July of 2018, and is responsible for the forest management (particularly the planning, permitting, and renewal obligations) for FML2. The Partners established clear targets for NFMC which includes involvement in forest management decision making, strengthened employment presence, education and training opportunities that target indigenous involvement, support for cultural and traditional activities, and educational awards and scholarships. The overarching theme of NFMC’s purpose if to create a strengthened relationship between Nekote Communities and the forest industry through efforts that are broader than historical forest management business and decision making.

Company Facts

Created in July 2018.
50% owned by First Nations through Nekote LP.
50% owned by Canadian Kraft Paper Industries Ltd.


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Trans Canada Trail Jobs
Trail Sector Jobs
Forest Products Operations
Mill worker
Paper technologist
Sustainability coordinator
Technological innovation
Ecosystem And Wildlife Management
Biodiversity specialist
Conservation biologist
Invasive species management
Land reclamation technician
Native plant specialist
Nursery/orchard technician
Remediation technician
Wildlife biologist/technician
Silviculture and Forest Health
Forest fire researcher
Forest fuels worker
Forest health technician
Forest insects technician
Forest reclamation technologist
Forestry planner
Forestry researcher
Silvicultural workers
Silviculture technician/supervisor
Tree care specialist
Urban forester
Indigenous Forest Based Programs
Archaeologist/heritage specialist
Indigenous knowledge coordinator
Special sites coordinator
Traditional plant use technician
Recreation And Interpretation
Forests interpreter
GIS technician
Knowledge exchange specialist
Park interpreter
Parks guide
Recreation technician/specialist (e.g., facilities development & maintenance)
Stewardship youth ranger
Trails developers (e.g., biking/hiking/skiing trails)
Visual landscape technician
Conservation And Research
Agrology technologist
Aquatic environmental technician
Environmental monitoring technician
Fisheries biologist/technician
Soils surveyor
Watershed management technician
Community engagement specialist
Outdoors educator/facilitator
Jobs Within Provincial/ Territorial Parks
Administrative support
Community engagement
Data entry and statistics
Field work
Indigenous relations
Invasive species management
Natural heritage education
Parks operations
Resource management
Trail and campground maintenance
Visitor services

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