Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST
As the spring melt approaches and the trees start budding and growing, prepare yourself for outdoor learning with our award winning, ready to use resources, to gain knowledge of the environment, experiential learning, and confidence in taking your learners outdoors. Spend an hour with PLT Canada for a professional development webinar to bring the outdoors in and your students outside.
All activities are connected to the UN SDG’s, CMEC Global Competencies and the Ontario Science and Social Studies Curriculum. Get back outdoors after a long winter season and learn about the joys of forests, the environment, and how to bring them into your education space. All participants will receive a code for free access to a digital version of one of PLT Canada’s resources.
Registration is FREE thanks to the generous support of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.