Acknowledging Traditional and Treaty Territory

We encourage you to join PLT Canada in celebrating the vibrant cultures, traditional knowledge, and ongoing contributions of Indigenous Peoples to the green sector and all of Canada.
PLT Canada has partnered up with Sault College to deliver free registrations for youth aged 15–30 to the course “Acknowledging Traditional and Treaty Territory.” 
This 2-hour course provides foundational information about Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Topics include identifying communities & relevant treaties within your local area and crafting a territorial acknowledgment. (Market value: $59)
By filling out the form below, youth aged 15–30 can gain access to the short course and learn how to craft their own territorial acknowledgement and about the original stewards of the territory that they call home. After filling out the form, you will be emailed a free registration code.

Register for the free course

The fields below are optional. Please consider self-identifying, as it will help contribute to PLT Canada’s reporting requirements to our government funders and support us in attaining additional funding for future Green Jobs programs.
A person who has moved from their country of origin and has been in Canada for less than 5 years.
Described by the Government of Canada, through the Employment Equity Act, as "persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour."
This includes those who self-identify as having mental health-, learning-, hearing-, developmental-, intellectual-, visual-, motor skill-, speaking-, intellectual-, visual-, or speech-related disability, which may be temporary or permanent in nature.
A community with a population of less than 25,000 people.
PLT Canada’s office and much of our team lives and works in the traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin nation. We recognize the Algonquin’s time-honoured relationships with and stewardship of its lands and waters, and are committed to upholding our shared responsibilities to continue that stewardship for present and future generations.