
PLT Canada and the World Forestry Congress launch first global Green Mentor program

February 02, 2022

World forestry congress banner

Over 100 mentorship participants from around the world joined the PLT Canada/World Forestry Congress (WFC) Green Mentor program kickoff on Jan. 11, 2022.

PLT Canada’s first global Green Mentor program has been in development with the WFC since the summer of 2021. This cohort is an opportunity for young adults to connect with experienced forest and conservation professionals from around the world and grow their networks and knowledge of the sector.

“PLT Canada is committed to supporting young adults along their green career pathways, and we believe that mentorship can help remove barriers to entering or succeeding in the workforce. After launching six successful national and regional mentorship cohorts, we are excited to deliver our first global Green Mentor program with the WFC.”

Maria Chiarella
Manager of Mentorship and Youth Programs
PLT Canada

“PLT Canada is committed to supporting young adults along their green career pathways, and we believe that mentorship can help remove barriers to entering or succeeding in the workforce. After launching six successful national and regional mentorship cohorts, we are excited to deliver our first global Green Mentor program with the WFC.”

Maria Chiarella
Manager of Mentorship and Youth Programs
PLT Canada


Out of over 500 applicants, 102 participants from 37 different countries were selected to be a part of the six-month program. Mentees and mentors will connect virtually for the first few months, and then they will have the opportunity to meet in person at the WFC in Seoul, Korea in May 2022.

Mentorship is an important way to foster and inspire the next generation of forest and conservation leaders and build a diverse and resilient Green Jobs workforce. It can also help reduce barriers to landing a Green Job by providing access to insider tips, helping participants grow professional networks, and by increasing the confidence of mentees and mentors alike.

“The PLT Canada/WFC Green Mentor program has given me the resources and support to begin. I’m looking forward to the journey with my mentor!”

Jacqueline Shea
Green Mentee
Toronto, Canada

“The PLT Canada/WFC Green Mentor program has given me the resources and support to begin. I’m looking forward to the journey with my mentor!”

Jacqueline Shea
Green Mentee
Toronto, Canada


Mentorship is a mutually beneficial relationship. Past PLT Canada green mentees said that the top three skills they gained or improved during the program were confidence, networking, and communication. Green mentors said their top three were communication, coaching, and empathy.

Learn more about PLT Canada’s Green Mentor program here.


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