New online course on preventing and managing invasive speciesFebruary 29, 2020A new online training course is now available from the Invasive Species Council of BC. The new course is designed to increase students’ knowledge of forest management through an invasive species lens. It focuses on invasive species impacts, traits and vectors. Students will also learn best management practices for prevention and control. The course is free and takes about 45 minutes to an hour to complete. ACCESS THE INVASIVE SPECIES ONLINE COURSE The course was developed through a community grant from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative. Additional financing came from the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, and the SFI Western Canada Implementation Committee. Course material was developed with the guidance of forest industry representatives, government invasive species experts, Indigenous forestry company professionals and the silviculture industry. Two members of the advisory group even recorded their own stories of invasive species impacts. The Invasive Species Council of BC would love your feedback as it strives to continually improve the course. Please send your comments to Sue Staniforth at |