Ladybug Arborists

Lethbridge, Canada – Alberta  |  (403) 327-0001
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We provide a safe, positive working environment for aspiring arborists to grow with mentorship, encouragement, professional development opportunities and diverse sites to develop evolving skills on all aspects of arboriculture including pruning, tree identification, planting, risk assessment, valuations, cultural plant health care solutions, consluting, insect and disease id and diagnosis, training and public outreach. We are an equal opportunity employer.

Histoire de l'entreprise

FROM AN ACORN GREW A MIGHTY OAK: Owner/operator Maureen Sexsmith-West has been involved in tree care since 1996 and is a Certified Arborist through the International Society of Arboriculture (PR-4600A), ISA Qualified Tree Risk Assessor and and ASCA Tree Appraiser. Beginning with golf course maintenance, she eventually shifted her focus to trees and earned her ISA certification in 2003. Ladybug Arborists was established in 2012 (winning the 2013 Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge). The business was incorporated in 2015. Today, she strives for continuing education and encourages her staff to pursue Certification and industry training. In addition to tree care, Ladybug Arborists has a full time horticultural division.

She is a Trustee (Prairie Region) of the Canadian Tree Fund. She is an administrator of the newly established 2021 Alberta Specimen Tree Register. She is a judge for Alberta Communities in Bloom program. Maureen was the chair for the ISA Prairie Chapter Conference in Oct. 2015 and in 2006, organized two Tree Climbing Championships and several professional development events for arborists.

KNOWLEDGEABLE AND CARING ARBORISTS: Certified Arborists specialize in the care of urban trees. They are knowledgeable about the needs of trees, and are trained and equipped to provide proper care. Hiring an arborist is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Proper tree care is an investment that can lead to substantial returns. Well cared-for trees are attractive and can add considerable value to your property. Poorly maintained trees can be a significant liability. Pruning or removing trees, especially large trees, can be dangerous work. Tree work should be done only by those trained and equipped to work safely in trees. We following ISA, TCIA and ANSI standards for tree care.

We combine our formal training and experience to preserve trees for both our clients and future generations. We have many clients who have entrusted us with the care of the trees for over 20 years. This is possible through the development of trust, reliability and our commitment to their tree care but keeping up to date on threats and making them aware of them. We specialize in tree care and provide educational information to our customers for the best long-term results. By adjusting some of their personal practices – such as watering volumes and frequency – they add to the success of the tree health care program. We offer one-on-one training workshops for clients wanting to learn how to prune and care for some of their green assets.

There is no substitute for experience. Books, science and constant learning are important but good judgment only comes from blending the right training with time working in trees and evaluating the results. Without that combination of training and experience, you may be doing a disservice to your trees. Experience without formal training can just reinforce improper and antiquated practices.
Certified Arborists specialize in the care of urban trees. They are knowledgeable about the needs of trees, and are trained and equipped to provide proper care. Hiring an arborist is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Proper tree care is an investment that can lead to substantial returns. Well cared-for trees are attractive and can add considerable value to your property. Poorly maintained trees can be a significant liability. Pruning or removing trees, especially large trees, can be dangerous work. Tree work should be done only by those trained and equipped to work safely in trees.

How Can We Help Your Trees Today?


Recherche d'emploi
Emplois du Sentier TransCanadien
Emplois du secteur des sentiers
Opérations des produits forestiers
Mécanicien de chantier
Technologue en papier
Coordinateur développement durable
Innovation technologique
Gestion de la faune et des écosystèmes
Spécialiste de la biodiversité
Biologiste de la conservation
Spécialiste de la gestion des espèces envahissantes
Technicien d’aménagement du territoire
Spécialiste des plantes indigènes
Technicien de pépinières et de vergers
Technicien en assainissement
Biologiste/technicien de la faune
Sylviculture et santé des forêts
Chercheurs sur les incendies en forêt
Travailleurs en réduction des combustibles forestiers
Technicien en santé forestière
Technicien en insectes forestiers
Technologue en réhabilitation des forêts
Stratèges forestiers
Chercheur en foresterie
Travailleurs sylvicoles
Technicien/superviseur en sylviculture
Spécialiste en entretien des arbres
Forestier urbain
Programmes des forêts indigènes
Archéologue/spécialiste du patrimoine naturel
Coordonnateur des connaissances indigènes
Coordonnateur de sites spéciaux
Technicien de l’utilisation des plantes traditionnelles
Récréation et interprétation
Interprètes en forêt
Technicien des SIG
Spécialiste en échange de connaissances
Interprète du parc
Guide des parcs
Technicien/spécialiste récréatif (ex. : mise au point et entretien d’installations)
Gestion des jeunes gardes forestiers
Aménageurs de sentiers (ex. : sentiers de cyclisme/randonnée/ski)
Technicien du paysage visuel
Conservation et recherche
Technicien en agrologie
Technicien en environnement aquatique
Technicien en surveillance de l’environnement
Biologiste/technicien des pêches
Prospecteur pédologique
Technicien en gestion des bassins
Spécialiste en engagement communautaire
Éducateur/animateur de plein air
Emplois au sein des parcs provinciaux/ territoriaux
Soutien administratif
Engagement communautaire
Entrée de données et statistiques
Travail de terrain
Relations indigènes
Gestion des espèces envahissantes
Éducation au patrimoine naturel
Opérations relatives aux parcs
Gestion des ressources
Entretien des sentiers et des sites de camping
Services aux visiteurs

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