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PLT Canada launches new video series to introduce young Canadians to forest careers

September 23, 2021
Type: News

Young Canadians can now discover careers in the forest and conservation sector thanks to Project Learning Tree Canada’s (PLT Canada) new Green Jobs video series. The first video in the seven-part series is being released today to celebrate National Forest Week. The episode, hosted by Registered Professional Forester Lacey Rose, features Jennifer Tallman, Chief Forester for EACOM timber (an SFI-certified organization) and the first female chief forester in Ontario. Rose tags along as Tallman performs different parts of her job…


Enhanced career supports for youth coming in 2020

December 17, 2019
Type: News

Youth across Canada will be better supported to enter the workforce in 2020 and in following years thanks to tremendous growth at Project Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada). Thanks in part to funding by the Government of Canada and employers across the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and Canadian Parks Council (CPC) networks, PLT Canada – which is an initiative of SFI – has placed over 2,000 youth into Green Jobs since 2018. The organization has managed to achieve gender balance…


PLT Canada Annual Reports

May 10, 2024
Type: Page

Project Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada) is committed to advancing environmental education, forest literacy, and career pathways, using trees and forests as windows on the world. Our award-winning resources offer a lifetime of learning from early childhood through adulthood. Our wide and diverse network provides professional development for educators and opportunities for young people to explore nature and the diversity of green careers in the forest and conservation sector. Together, we are growing future forest and conservation leaders. Thank you…


Pay it forward: pass on knowledge to future forestry leaders as a Green Mentor

June 21, 2021
Type: News

By Lacey Rose, County Forester, County of Renfrew When I started out in forestry, I was very lucky to be supported by kind and experienced co-workers. The demographic of our sector means that I’ve often been the youngest one by more than 20 years, so I feel very fortunate to have learned on the job from decades of experience ahead of me. My mentors gave me practical knowledge, but also confidence when I was starting out and quite unsure of…


Join the 2022 SFI/PLT Annual Conference – Collaborating for Communities and Forests

June 01, 2022
Type: News

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and Project Learning Tree (PLT) will host their first-ever joint annual conference from June 14-16, in Madison, Wisconsin. With a theme of Collaborating for Communities and Forests, the event will be a week filled with learning and opportunities to discuss the most-pressing issues and challenges facing the people and the planet, including how sustainable forest management and environmental education provide effective solutions. Conference participants will come away from the event with: Best practices on climate-smart…